Friday, February 28, 2020

Performance Task: How to Succeed

Goal: Create slides that illustrate the main idea, claims, and evidence presented in Tough's piece and screencast your slides

Finish Claim/Evidence Organizer
Google Slide Deck
Screencasting Tutorial
SOAPSTone Form

1. Journal 
How are you feeling today? Write about it.

2. Finish Claim and Evidence Organizer 
  • Yesterday we filled in the claims and evidence but today we'll start with breaking down the main idea of the WHOLE text. 
  • The main idea should be able to include ALL claims and evidence we've presented in our work.
  • It should be vague enough to cover everything but include a relevant message. 
  • Finding the main idea is the toughest part
3. Google Slide Deck 
  • There is a slide deck template for you in Google Classroom called "Performance Task: How to Succeed"
  • Your job is to complete the slide deck AND change the theme so it's personalized. 
  • I will show you your rubric in class and upload it here later:

4. Screencasting Tutorial 
  • You can get extra credit for screencasting your slide presentation and sharing them with me. 
  • If you get to a point where you are done with your slides early and want to aim for the extra credit, I highly encourage it. 
  • Here are the steps you should follow: 
    1. Go to Chrome extension store 
    2. Download Screencastify as an extension 
    3. Open up your slide presentation
    4. Click on the Screencastify icon in the top right of your screen 
    5. Allow access to the microphone and camera 
    6. Record your slides 
    7. Upload your video straight to Google Classroom 
5. SOAPSTone Form
  • Complete this SOAPSTone Form for Tough's text, "How to Succeed" 
  • You can work with people around you, but you are each responsible to fill in your own forms. 
  • Today is the last day of the grading period. 
  • If you are trying to turn anything in for a regrade, please give it to me no later than lunch today.
  • Grades will be updated by 4 o clock today. 
  • PROM IS TONIGHT! See you there!! 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Breaking Down Claims and Evidence

Goal: Break down the types of evidence Tough incorporates in his text, "How to Succeed"

Finish Precis/Precis Check
Model: Claim and Evidence Organizer
Individual Meetings

*Take THIS SURVEY for a group that is coming to talk to our campus next week. You can be honest; your answers are confidential and only to help the group coming to speak with us. 

1. Journal 
If an author interviewed you for their book like Tough interviewed Kewauna, what do you think would be their main message about your life?

2. Finish Precis/Precis Check 
  • Yesterday at the end of class we wrote a 4 sentence precis about Tough's piece, "How to Succeed." 
  • If you did not finish, now is your chance. 
  • If you did finish, please be ready to show it to me as I circle around the room. 
3. Modeling Claim and Evidence Organizer 
I'll show you how to navigate this organizer, but I will only do one example of a claim and one example of evidence with you. The other two will be yours to complete!

4. Working Independently 
  • Your job is to finish the other two claims and evidence boxes AS WELL AS to make an attempt at figuring out the main idea of this piece. 
  • Tough tells many stories in this text so this is actually the toughest part (lol)
5. SOAPSTone Form
  • Complete this SOAPSTone Form for Tough's text, "How to Succeed" 
  • You can work with people around you, but you are each responsible to fill in your own forms. 
Tomorrow is the last day of the grading period. If you are trying to turn anything in for a regrade, please give it to me no later than lunch tomorrow. Grades will be updated before we head into the weekend.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Writing a Precis

The Book our Text is From
Goal: Finish reading "How to Succeed" and begin to think about Tough's main ideas on a deeper level

Finish Reading
NTW Questions
Write a Precis

1. Journal 
When will you know you have achieved full success? Is it even possible? Explain.

2. Finish Reading 
  • Yesterday we left off at the heading "Dropping Out" 
  • Today we are going to read the last portion of the text together.
3. Navigating the Waters Questions 
  • There are questions in Google Classroom called "Navigating the Waters: How to Succeed" that you started yesterday (we answered #1-3 together) 
  • Today you will answer #4 on your own.
  • Please realize that #4 is another multiple question in one, so you should have more than one sentence as your answer.
4. Write a Précis 
  • We've been practicing with writing a 4 sentence precis. 
  • Your job is to write one about Paul Tough's piece, "How to Succeed." 
  • You can write it in your journal or type it and share it with me. 
Don't forget - you can still buy your prom tickets today. I really hope to see you there!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

How to Succeed

Goal: Finish reading "How to Succeed" and begin to think about Tough's main ideas on a deeper

Video Interview
Finish Reading
NTW Questions
Write a Precis

1. Journal 
How do you overcome things that are challenging in life?

2. Video Interview 
  • We'll start today by getting a little bit of background on Paul Tough, the author of our current text. 
  • As we watch, compare him to the other two authors we've read in class. Do you agree with what he's saying? Do you like or dislike the way he thinks? 
  • Here he's answering the question, "Is a college education as valuable as it once was to students?" 
3. Finish Reading 
  • Yesterday we began reading but today we're going to work on finishing it. 
  • We will read a little bit together, then you will read the rest with your tables. 
4. Navigating the Waters Questions 
  • There are questions in Google Classroom called "Navigating the Waters: How to Succeed" 
  • You can work on these alone or with your table group. 
  • PLEASE NOTICE that #1, 2, and 4 all ask you two questions. That means you should have two different sentences for those answers, answering the whole thing.
5. Write a Précis 
  • We've been practicing with writing a 4 sentence precis. 
  • Your job is to write one about Paul Tough's piece, "How to Succeed." 
  • You can write it in your journal or type it and share it with me. 

Don't forget - you can still buy your prom tickets until tomorrow. I really hope to see you!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Starting a New Text

Goal: Begin reading "How to Succeed," the final text of our education unit

Survey the Text
Read the Text
Respond to Questions

A quick note: 
Your stories were amazing and so many of you wrote heartfelt pieces that deeply moved me. I am still working on responding to all of them and since they are lengthier pieces, my goal is to have them to you by the end of this week. 

1. Journal 
What is one personal trait you have that helps you to be successful?

2. Survey the Text 
Before reading, let's ask ourselves:

  • What is the background of the author who wrote this piece? 
  • What predictions can I make based on the title of the piece? 
  • Looking through the text, what proper nouns do I see?
    • Does it seem like this piece includes lots of people, places, and things I know? 
    • How can I sort the proper nouns to get more meaning? 

3. Read the Text 

  • I'm giving you each a copy of "How to Succeed" by Paul Tough. 
  • This is the last major text in our Education Unit and we will be moving on next week to start a totally new topic. 
  • As we go, highlight different pieces of evidence Tough uses to support his main idea. 

4. Respond to Questions 

  • There are questions posted in Google Classroom called "Navigating the Waters: How to Succeed." 
  • Please try to finish these today by the end of the period. 
  • 1st period, work with each other and Mr. G to finish the questions. I know you can do it! 

Don't forget to buy your prom tickets. Prom is this Friday evening!

Friday, February 21, 2020

Peer Review our Writing

Goal: Read, peer review our writing to a specific audience, and finish the TED Talk précis

Submit Your Writing
Finish TED Talk + Précis
Peer Review
Powerschool Check-Up

1. Read 
We're starting our Friday with 20 minutes of reading to get in the zone, Starbooks style. No journal prompt today!

2. Submit Your Writing
  • You have had all week dedicated to writing your letter to a specific audience. Today is the absolute last day it is due. 
  • Your work should be typed and submitted to Google Classroom where I have an assignment called "Op-Ed: Fake News and Bias in Reporting" 
3. Finish TED Talk + Précis 
  • Yesterday a few of you began the assignment to watch this TED Talk by Eduardo Zanetta but not everyone finished.
  • Write a 4 sentence précis in your journal titled "Precis: Failure is a Part of Success" under today's journal entry
  • I'm coming around to check your precis and stamp it for this week's journal score
Eduardo Zanetta's TED Talk

4. Peergrade
  • We're going to check out our classmates' work and score them on a rubric online. 
  • You will anonymously view three classmates' work and score them according to a set of questions. 
  • Take your time and give genuine feedback that could help. 
  • Follow the link in Google Classroom to peergrade to get started but wait for my direct instruction to go any further. 
5. Powerschool Check-Up
Check Powerschool and make up an assignment that you didn't do so well on. You can always request a regrade on any assignment that was done on paper or submitted online (just not verbal assignments like discussions).
    Have a great weekend. See you Monday!

    Thursday, February 20, 2020

    Wrapping up Writing

    Goal: Finish your writing about high school and watch a TED Talk

    Writing Time
    TED Talk
    Powerschool Check
    Check Out a Book

    1. Journal 
    What's one piece of advice you would give a middle schooler about going to high school?

    2. Writing 
    • Today is yours to finish writing. 
    • Remember, your letter is to a specific audience. Do not lose sight of that.
    • Use your thesis planning document from yesterday to help you write. 
    • Your final version should be typed and submitted to Google Classroom using the MLA formatted template I provided. 
    Remember, the question you are answering is:
    How does experiencing failure actually help the journey toward success?

    3. TED Talk 
    • Put on headphones and watch this TED Talk. 
    • Write a 4 sentence précis in your journal titled "Precis: Failure is a Part of Success" under today's journal entry
    Eduardo Zanetta's TED Talk 

    4. Powerschool Check-Up
    Check Powerschool and make up an assignment that you didn't do so well on. You can always request a regrade on any assignment that was done on paper or submitted online (just not verbal assignments like discussions).

    5. Check out a Book
    • Check out a book from the classroom library and read if you are finished with all of your work and have extra time. 
    • However, I'd encourage you to go back and make sure all of your assignments are in a good place. 
    Be prepared to engage in a peer review of your writing tomorrow.

    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    Thesis vs. Hook

    Goal: Keep writing our performance task piece with a special focus on thesis and hook

    Thesis Planning
    Thesis vs. Hook
    Writing the Body of Your Work

    1. Journal 
    How do you define failure?

    2. Thesis Planning 
    Planning your thesis is very important. Use the organizer that looks like this to help you solidify your thesis:

    3. Thesis vs. Hook
    Yesterday we began to discuss the difference between a thesis and a hook. Today, you will be crafting the rest of your writing so I want us to identify the difference between a hook and a thesis in Pérez's work:

    • The hook is always the part that grabs our attention. It's at the very beginning of the piece and tells a story that gets us thinking, "Hmm, tell me more."
    • A thesis is the part that says, "Here is exactly what I'm going to write about. You can expect to know more about these exact ideas by the end of this piece." 
    4. Planning Your Claims and Evidence
    I have another document to help you identify your claims and evidence. When you have this complete, you are ready to write on your own!

    5. Writing the Body of Your Work 
    • The rest of the time is yours to actually write
    • Remember, your letter is to a specific audience. Do not lose sight of that.
    • Use your thesis planning document from yesterday to help you write. 
    • You can also use the document in Google Classroom if you prefer to jump right online. 
    Remember, the question you are answering is:
    How does experiencing failure actually help the journey toward success?

    I will not be here tomorrow because I'm taking students on a field trip to Miramar College. However, you still have writing to complete and get ready because we are doing peer review when I get back on Friday!

    Tuesday, February 18, 2020

    Writing Day: Performance Task

    Goal: Start crafting our written response (performance task) in response to Pérez's text

    Author's Purpose Graphic Organizer
    Introduce Prompt
    Thesis Planning

    1. Journal 
    What does success mean to you?

    2. Author's Purpose Graphic Organizer 
    We are going to complete the graphic organizer we were working on last Thursday that asks us to figure out Perez's purpose through four different quotes.

    3. Introduce Performance Task Prompt 
    • Like Pérez, you will be writing a letter to a specific audience. 
    • There is a document I will pass out to you for you to complete on paper. 
    • This document helps you select your audience and message, as well as write your thesis statement. 
    The question you will be answering in your writing is: 
    How does experiencing failure actually help the journey toward success?

    3. Thesis Planning 
    Planning your thesis is very important. Use the organizer that looks like this to help you solidify your thesis:

    Have a great day! Remember, prom tickets are on sale with Theresa in the office. Prom is next Friday, 2/28!

    Thursday, February 13, 2020

    Wanna Get Into College? Learn to Fail

    Goal: Introduce our next text, "Wanna Get Into College? Learn to Fail" by Angel B. Pérez

    Survey the Text
    Read the Text
    Navigating the Waters Questions

    1. Journal 
    What does love mean to you?

    2. Survey the Text 
    • Make predictions based on the title of the text 
    • Make predictions based on the author bio 
    • Who do you think the intended audience of the piece is? 
    3. Read the Text 
    • We are going to read "Wanna Get into College? Learn to Fail" together. 
    • We will read with cards since this is our THIRD text of the quarter!
    4. Navigating the Waters Questions 
    • There are questions posted in Google Classroom called, "Navigating the Waters: Wanna Get Into College?" 
    • Answer these questions in complete sentences. 
    Pick out a book to take home this weekend and check it out using the link on the blog -->

    Have a great weekend! We will see each other again next Tuesday, February 18th after our four day weekend. Please read while we are away from each other - it helps to build your brain capacity!

    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Socratic Discussion

    Conversation Moves (chart posted in class, too)
    Goal: Host a Socratic Discussion about Santiago Baca's life as explained in text and documentary forms

    Socratic Preparation
    Socratic Expectations

    1. Journal 
    Why do you think the guards in the video reduced Baca to a number rather than use his name?

    2. Socratic Preparation 
    • Yesterday you began working on a document in Google Classroom called "Socratic Preparation Document: Jimmy Santiago Baca" 
    • I am giving a few minutes at the beginning of class to add a few more thoughts in that document. 
    • This will help get your brain moving before today's discussion. 
    3. Socratic Expectations 
    • Listen respectfully and respond appropriately to others. 
    • Build on what someone else says. 
    • Ask purposeful questions.  
    • Explain your ideas clearly with examples. 
    • Stay on topic. Be kind.
    4. Discussion 
    We will use the slides below to lead us through our discussion:

    Enjoy your afternoon! Don't forget to buy prom tickets with Theresa in the front office or at the ASB store.

    Tuesday, February 11, 2020

    Socratic Preparation: Jimmy Santiago Baca

    Goal: Finish discussion on "A Place to Stand" and prepare for a Socratic Seminar we will have

    Film Recap
    Socratic Preparation
    Independent Research

    1. Journal 
    In yesterday's clip, Baca says, "I was now becoming a desensitized human being for survival's sake." What do you think this means?

    2. Film Recap + Response
    • Yesterday we watched part of the documentary, A Place to Stand, on Baca's life that gives us context and background on where he was coming from and what contributed to his life as a writer. 
    • When we view media pieces that tell stories similar to ones we've read, it's important to question which one conveyed the main points better and why. 
    • In Google Classroom, please respond to the discussion question posted with your response formatted as follows:
      • I believe the __________ (film or written text) was more effective in telling Baca's story because _________. The most impactful moment of the written text was when Baca explained _____________. The most impactful moment of the film was when _____________. The most powerful visual in the film was ______________. 
    3. Socratic Preparation 
    • There is a document in Google Classroom called "Socratic Seminar Prep: Jimmy Santiago Baca." 
    • Your job today is to complete this in preparation for tomorrow's discussion. 
    • I will print each of your documents and have them ready for you tomorrow. 
    • You will be responsible for citing evidence from your sheet during the discussion. 

    Read your independent book. Expand your mind! Check out the classroom library.

    Today is the last day to buy Valentine Grams from ASB. Also, please buy prom tickets!

    Monday, February 10, 2020

    Critical View: A Place to Stand

    Goal: Observe a critical view of Jimmy Santiago Baca’s life as explained in A Place to Stand

    Explaining Critical View
    What's More Effective?

    1. Journal 
    Why is it important to ask questions when we read a text or watch a film?

    2. Explaining Critical View 

    • I will give everyone a critical view worksheet to complete as we watch the excerpt from Santiago Baca's A Place to Stand. 
    • The purpose of a critical view is to ask questions as we watch the film. 
    • We are trying to examine if the same story is being told here as in the written text. 
      • If so, which is more effective? 
      • If not, what are the differences between both media pieces?
    3. Film 
    • Today we will be watching an excerpt from Santiago Baca's film, "A Place to Stand" that tells the story of how Baca left behind his life in prison for his life as an active reader, writer, and poet. 
    • Film info:
      • Genre: drama, documentary 
      • Director: Daniel Glick 
      • Starring: Jimmy Santiago Baca
    4. What's More Effective? 
    • When we view media pieces that tell stories similar to ones we've read, it's important to question which one conveyed the main points better and why. 
    • In Google Classroom, please respond to the discussion question posted with your response formatted as follows:
      • I believe the __________ (film or written text) was more effective in telling Baca's story because _________. The most impactful moment of the written text was when Baca explained _____________. The most impactful moment of the film was when _____________. The most powerful visual in the film was ______________. 
    Have a great week. You are worthy of love and respect!

    Friday, February 7, 2020

    Performance Task: Coming into Language

    Goal: Write our detailed performance task about how Baca uses figurative language to tell an
    impactful story

    Performance Task
    Catch Up
    A Place to Stand Intro

    1. Reading 
    Last Friday we began class with reading and this Friday will be the same. Choose a book you can get interested in; if you have a book from last week please bring it.

    2. Journal 
    How do you think your progress has been in this class the last two weeks? Explain.

    3. Performance Task
    • There is a document in Google Classroom called "Performance Task: Coming into Language" 
    • There are sentence frames in this document that help you formulate your ideas. 
    • The goal is to describe as much of the figurative language Baca uses as you can, and turn it into a constructed response. 
    4. Check Up on Your Work:
    • Be sure your "NTW" questions in Google Classroom are finished 
    • You were also supposed to complete this EdPuzzle video with questions about Baca's background. If you didn't finish this yesterday, please do so. 
    Have a great weekend! Take home your book and do some reading! It helps expand your mind.

    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Figurative Language in Baca's Text

    Goal: Search for figurative language in "Coming into Language" by Santiago Baca

    Chalk Talk
    Figurative Language
    Performance Task
    Catch Up

    1. Journal 
    Do you think we all live in agony, like Baca suggested in his video interview? Explain your thoughts.

    2. Chalk Talk 
    • I have placed five different quotes and pictures around the room.
    • We are going to have a "museum vibe" while we go around the room and make notes on the different quotes. 
    • Some of what you see are similes, some are metaphors, some are references to Baca's interview. 

    3. Figurative Language in the Text 
    • Based on the figurative language around the room and the highlighted passages in the text, you are going to select five different lines that illustrate Baca's thoughts and experiences. 
    • You will fill out a sheet to keep in your binder that looks like this: 

    4. Performance Task
    • There is a document in Google Classroom called "Performance Task: Coming into Language" 
    • There are sentence frames in this document that help you formulate your ideas. 
    5. Survey
    • Our counselors and an outside organization are looking to gather some information from you. 
    • It would be helpful for you to complete THIS SURVEY so we can help them plan their programs. 
    • Please be honest with your answers; it can only help them to plan. 
    6. Catch Up on This Week's Work
    • Be sure your "NTW" questions in Google Classroom are finished 
    • You were also supposed to complete this EdPuzzle video with questions about Baca's background. If you didn't finish this yesterday, please do so. 
    Buy Valentine Grams from ASB for $1 each!

    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Investigating Baca's Background

    Goal: Answer questions based on Baca's text and video interview; begin searching for figurative language in the text

    Finish NTW Questions
    EdPuzzle Video + Questions

    1. Journal 
    How did yesterday's class go? Describe in detail.

    2. Finish Navigating the Waters Questions 
    • You were supposed to begin these yesterday, but very few made progress so we need to talk about this. 
    • There are questions in Google Classroom called "Navigating the Waters: Coming into Language" 
    • One of the questions asks for text evidence. Remember, this means you should use the RACE Format 
      • Restate the Question 
      • Answer the Question 
      • Cite Evidence (Baca writes, "____")
      • Explain Evidence (This quote shows _____)
    3. EdPuzzle Video
    • Also linked in Google Classroom is an EdPuzzle video for you to watch and answer questions about.
    • You must choose the "Sign in with Google" option and use your account to log in 
    • Watch the video I've posted and answer the questions that come up when the video pauses
    • You should use headphones to do this (your Airpods can connect to the Chromebook too) 
    4. Finished? 
    Begin the search for figurative language in Baca's piece. We are specifically looking for similes and metaphors. Highlight any description that qualifies as a simile or metaphor: 

    Enjoy your afternoon. Buy Valentine Grams from ASB for $1 each!

    Tuesday, February 4, 2020

    Questions from "Coming into Language"

    Jimmy Santiago Baca in Grove Atlantic
    Goal: Finish Baca's piece, "Coming into Language" and answer questions based on the text

    Finish "Coming into Language"
    Navigating the Waters Questions
    EdPuzzle Video Online

    1. Journal 
    Do you agree with Baca that not knowing how to use language can lead to violence? Explain your thoughts.

    2. Finish "Coming into Language" 
    • Yesterday we began to read "Coming into Language" by Jimmy Santiago Baca 
    • Your job today is to finish it.
    • We drew a line where you should start reading (1st period - page 22, 3rd period - page 19)
    • Read TOGETHER in your table groups
    • When you are finished, summarize the story back to each other so you are clear on Baca's message
    3. Navigating the Waters Questions 
    • There are questions in Google Classroom called "Navigating the Waters: Coming into Language" 
    • Your job is to work on these today (you may work together, but everyone must submit their own work) 
    • One of the questions asks for text evidence. Remember, this means you should use the RACE Format 
      • Restate the Question 
      • Answer the Question 
      • Cite Evidence (Baca writes, "____")
      • Explain Evidence (This quote shows _____)
    4. EdPuzzle Video
    • Also linked in Google Classroom is an EdPuzzle video for you to watch and answer questions about.
    • You must choose the "Sign in with Google" option and use your account to log in 
    • Watch the video I've posted and answer the questions that come up when the video pauses
    • You should use headphones to do this (your Airpods can connect to the Chromebook too) 
    Don't Fall Behind: 

    • Make sure your final précis is submitted for our last text, "A Personal Prologue" by Jim Burke (this was turned in in Google Classroom)

    Have a solid and productive day in class. I'll be back tomorrow!

    Monday, February 3, 2020

    Finish Précis + Begin a New Text

    Goal: Submit final précis and introduce our next text

    Finish Précis
    Who is Jimmy Santiago Baca?
    "Coming into Language"

    1. Journal 
    What is your biggest strength in English class: reading, writing, speaking, or listening? Why?

    2. Finish Rhetorical Précis
    • On Friday we wrote a class précis on Adam Saenz's TED Talk, "The Power of a Teacher" 
    • There is a sample to view in class.
    • Your job was to write a précis about Jim Burke's piece, "A Personal Prologue" 
    • Submit your final precis typed to Google Classroom. 
    • I will always show you the rubric for your Performance Tasks before they are due. This is what I will use to score your Rhetorical Précis:

    3. Background on Jimmy Santiago Baca

    • Our next author spotlight is Jimmy Santiago Baca
    • We will learn a little bit about him in order to more fully understand the next piece we're reading, "Coming into Language" 

    4. Read our Next Text

    • Our next text is a piece by Jimmy Santiago Baca called "Coming into Language" 
    • Baca is a talented author who once struggled in his early education. 
    • We will read our next piece by him today.

    I will not be here tomorrow because I will be visiting another Twain campus, but you will have a writing assignment due by the end of the period. See you Wednesday!