Friday, December 20, 2019

Finish Compare and Contrast Writing

"Narcissus" by Caravaggio
Goal: Complete your compare and contrast paragraph on "Narcissus" and Narcissus-inspired art

Finish Your Compare and Contrast
Peer Feedback
Socratic Seminar

1. Journal 
Will you be setting any resolutions for the new year? Why or why not?

2. Compare and Contrast
  • In Google Classroom, there is a compare and contrast performance task essay frame uploaded for you to complete called "Performance Task: Narcissus"
  • You must complete this in your own words (even if you are using the same inspired art as a friend). 
  • Do not submit the same piece of writing as a friend. It will not receive credit. 

3. Peer Feedback:

Socratic Seminar: 
We will have a Socratic discussion with some questions on Narcissus and its themes. Remember:
  • It's a discussion, not a debate 
  • The purpose is not to win
  • The purpose is simply to exchange ideas and hear others' points of view
If you need something to keep you busy over break, please check out a book from the classroom library and let me know what you think of it when you come back. Sometimes the holidays can be stressful and I understand how you're feeling! Having a book on hand gives you something constructive to do.

See you next YEAR! 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Compare and Contrast

Goal: Begin to compare and contrast "Narcissus" by Caravaggio with Narcissus-inspired art from another time period

Venn Diagram
Compare and Contrast

1. Journal 
Is there such thing as too much self-love? Explain your answer.

2. Venn Diagram
I have this Venn Diagram for you on paper. You will need to select a Narcissus-inspired piece of art to compare to the 1599 painting we've been looking at.

3. Compare and Contrast 
  • In Google Classroom, there is a compare and contrast performance task essay frame uploaded for you to complete called "Performance Task: Narcissus"
  • You must complete this in your own words (even if you are using the same inspired art as a friend). 
  • Do not submit the same piece of writing as a friend. It will not receive credit. 

When You're Finished: 
Check Powerschool to make sure you're all caught up. I'm still working on inputting a few grades from the last two texts, but I'll have those all completed over break.

If you need something to keep you busy over break, please check out a book from the classroom library and let me know what you think of it when you come back. Sometimes the holidays can be stressful and I understand how you're feeling! Having a book on hand gives you something constructive to do.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Narcissus by Caravaggio
Goal: Make observations on a new piece of artwork

"Zoom In" to a New "Text"
Explaining the Myth
Navigating the Waters

1. Journal 
What is narcissism?

2. "Zoom In" to a New "Text"
We're going to finish "zooming in" to our last "text" before we go on break.

3. Explaining the Myth
I'm going to show you a video that explains who Narcissus is in the different mythological versions of the story (Roman and Greek).
  • The Story of Echo and Narcissus
  • The Story of Narcissus and Ameinias 
4. Navigating the Waters
  • There are questions I'm handing you on paper that ask about "Narcissus." 
  • We're going to complete these in table groups. 
  • When you finish, I have another question for you to consider. 
5. Text to World

  • Are there any public figures you can think of who are in love with themselves? 
  • Is it lonely to have a life where you cannot be in a relationship with anyone but yourself?
Have a fantastic day!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Share Your Work!

Goal: Share our comic strips and begin a new "text"

Share Comic Strips
Reflection Paragraphs
Score Yourself
"Zoom In" to a New "Text"

1. Journal 
What does it mean to be egotistical?

2. Share Your Work 
  • We have some AMAZING comic strips to share.
  • You will come up to the front and share your comic strip from the Promethean Board (if it's digital) or the doc cam (if it's hand drawn). 
  • Share with us:
    • The main events you included in your comic strip
    • The way you portrayed Junot at the beginning of the story
    • The way you portrayed Junot at the end of the story 
    • In your opinion, did Junot change over the course of the story?
3. Reflection Paragraph
Your reflection paragraph on your comic strip's evolution should be in Google Classroom. Make sure that's finished!

4. Score Yourself
I have a printed copy of the rubric I will use to score you. I'm going to take you through it and ask you to give yourself a score before I grade you.

5. ETD Questions
Exploring the Depths questions have been posted in Google Classroom since last week. Many of you still need to finish them. Two of the questions ask you to use the RACE format:

6. "Zoom In" to a New "Text"
I'm going to lead you through an exercise called "zoom in" for our last "text" before we go on break.

This is our last week before break but we have a lot to do! Get ready to finish strong.

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Terror: Catching Up on Work

Welcome Ms. Natheos!
We are heading into a busy final week! 

Goal: Catch up on unfinished work related to "The Terror"

Comic Strips
Exploring the Depths

1. Journal 
Explain this statement from the TED Talk we watched on Friday: "In order to overcome our fear, we have to name it and reject it."

2. FINISH your Comic Strips 
  • You already started creating your comic strip last week. Today is your absolute final day to catch up. 
  • Most of you are working on Storyboard That or drawing by hand. 
  • REMINDER: Your comic strip should include:
    • All 5 plot elements
    • Junot's physical state
    • Junot's emotional state
    • How Junot changes over the course of the story
Here is how your comic strip will be graded:

*If you are creating a digital comic strip, you must submit it to Google Classroom as a photo or PDF file. Download the file to your computer and click "add or create" to submit your work. You may need to just screenshot your comics. Ask someone in class who already completed theirs to help you.*

4. Reflection Paragraph 
  • There is an assignment in Google Classroom under Performance Tasks called "Reflection Paragraph: The Terror." 
  • This goes along with your comic strip. 
  • Please read the directions and complete the paragraph today.
5. Exploring the Depths 
  • There are questions to answer in Google Classroom from "Exploring the Depths." 
  • Please complete these when you are finished with your comic strip and reflection paragraph.
If you've finished everything, check these assignments: 
  • Tomorrow you will share your comic strips with the class. 
  • Be ready to present your work! We are excited to hear from you. 
  • We will also be starting a new "text" tomorrow so come ready to learn.
I will be back tomorrow! Have a great day! 

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Terror: Overcoming Fear and Comic Strips

Goal: Finish comic strips and answer Exploring the Depths questions

TED Talk
Character Sketches
Exploring the Depths

1. Journal 
Do you think you can reprogram your brain to overcome fear?

2. TED Talk 
  • Think about how Junot Díaz "confronted" his tormentors at the end of the text.
  • Now watch Olympia LePoint talk about how she has reprogrammed her brain to overcome fear. 
  • Discussion: did Díaz reprogram his brain as LePoint did? Or did he deal with his situation differently?
3. Character Sketches 
  • You began using a program yesterday to create your character sketch of Junot Díaz in "The Terror." 
  • You will be presenting these to the class on TUESDAY.
  • Today, your job is to complete it. 
  • You might have been using one of the following tools: 
    • Storyboard That (Intermediate)
    • Canva (Advanced)
    • Powtoon (Advanced)
    • Your comic strip should include:
      • All 5 plot elements
      • Junot's physical state
      • Junot's emotional state
      • How Junot changes over the course of the story
*If you are creating a digital comic strip, you must submit it to Google Classroom as a photo or PDF file. I can show you how to do that when you are ready.*  

4. Exploring the Depths 
There are questions to answer in Google Classroom from "Exploring the Depths." Please complete these when you are finished with your comic strip.

If you've finished everything, check these assignments: 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Terror: Character Sketch and Plot Diagram

Goal: Answer Exploring the Depths questions in teams and come up with presentations for the class

Character Sketch
Comic Strip Character Arc

1. Journal
If you were in Díaz's situation, would you have confronted your tormentors in the end? Why or why not?

2. Character Sketch 
Yesterday we started working on this character sketch for middle school Junot Díaz:
Today your goal is to finish this character sketch and move on to creating a plot diagram that shows the events that lead to Díaz's development. 

3. Plot Diagram 
A plot diagram is like the one pictured on the top of today's blog post. It shows:
  • Exposition (how the story gets set up for us) 
  • Rising Action
  • Climax
  • Falling Action
  • Resolution 
Your job is to identify each part of the plot diagram DIRECTLY IN YOUR TEXT COPY. Make notes that show each of those plot elements. This will help you to create your comic strip. 

4. Comic Strip Character Arc 
There are a few tools you can use to create your comic strip digitally, or you can draw by hand. Here are the digital tools:
Your comic strip should include:
  • All 5 plot elements
  • Junot's physical state
  • Junot's emotional state
  • How Junot changes over the course of the story
Here is how your comic strip will be graded:

I am proud of you. Have a great day!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Character Sketch: Junot Díaz

You will be completing this Character Sketch of Díaz.
Goal: Create a character sketch for Junot Díaz in "The Terror"

Character Sketch: Junot Díaz
Vulnerability Matrix

1. Journal 
If someone created a character based on you, what would be the most important trait or quality for them to include?

2. Character Sketch: Díaz 
Today we're going to create a character sketch of Junot Díaz.
This will be done in two parts:

  • First, a double-sided page detailing different aspects of young Díaz's life. 
  • Second, a creative sketch illustrating the most important elements of Junot in his vulnerability matrix.

3. Vulnerability Matrix
Start thinking about things in your life that make you vulnerable. I'm going to ask you to connect with that in writing later this week.

Don't Fall Behind. 
Here's what should already be done that will be going into PS soon:

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Introducing Junot Díaz

Junot Díaz, Dominican-American author
Goal: Introduce Junot Díaz and read his piece, "The Terror"

Junot Díaz
Text Preview

1. Journal 
What do you think is the main ingredient to be a good writer?

2. Pre-Reading Author Profile
Who is Junot Díaz? This is the question we are asking before we read our next text. Make notes on your whiteboard about who he is.
  • What books has he written? 
  • What audience is he usually writing for? 
  • When was he born? 
  • Where was he born? 
  • How old is he today? 
  • What issues is he concerned with?
3. Text Preview
We will survey the text before reading, asking ourselves:
  • When was this originally written? 
  • What was happening at the time? 
  • Who is the author? 
  • What predictions can we make based on the title? 
  • Where was this originally published? 
4. Read the Text 
I have a paper copy of the story to hand out to each of you. We will read together.

5. Questions in Google Classroom 
If we finish reading today, we will begin to answer the Navigating the Waters questions in Google Classroom. 

Done with all of the above? 

Make sure your work from "Graffiti" is complete. Check powerschool if you have questions!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Finishing "Graffiti"

Goal: Finish our objective summary and Exploring the Depths questions from "Graffiti"

ETD Questions

1. Journal 
How do you think you're doing in English so far? Explain.

2. Summary 
  • Last week you should have finished your summary for "Graffiti" in Google Classroom
  • In case you are not done, this is your last day with class time dedicated to finishing it. 
  • I am more than happy to help you if you have questions.
  • This is the rubric I will use to score you:

3. Self-Reflection
Use THIS FORM to complete a self-reflection on your progress on this assignment and in the class so far. 

4. Exploring the Depths Questions
  • Last Friday, you should have started answering the Exploring the Depths questions ON PAPER with Ms. Natheos.
  • Please ask me if you were absent or still need a copy. 
  • You are only choosing TWO out of the four questions to answer.
  • Use the RACE format for both answers:
    • Restate the question
    • Answer the question
    • Cite evidence
    • Explain evidence
5. Finished with Everything Above? Look Ahead:
  • This week we will be reading a text by Dominican-American author, Junot Díaz.
  • Click here to check out what he's written for the New Yorker and sample some of his work. Ask yourself:
    • What kind of pieces does he write? 
    • What topics is he interested in? 
    • How does his personal history connect with the articles he's written?
Have a great week! I am proud of you.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Objective Summary and Exploring the Depths

Goal: Learn to write an objective summary and write one for "Graffiti"

Writing a Summary/Performance Task
Exploring the Depths Questions

1. Journal 
Describe the graffiti or street art you've seen in your own life. What do you think is its purpose?

2. Writing a Summary/Performance Task
  • On the BACK of your theme brainstorm from yesterday there is a summary frame. 
  • Your goal is to fill this out and then compile everything into a finished, TYPED product in Google Classroom. 
  • Type your finished product from the written summary frame above into the Google Classroom Document called "Performance Task: Graffiti" 
  • Your finished product should be a typed paragraph with your name, period, date, and a changed title.
3. Exploring the Depths Questions: Google Classroom 
  • I printed your "Exploring the Depths" questions. 
  • Ask Ms. Natheos for the copy when you are ready to complete them.
  • These are very high level questions, so you only need to choose TWO of the four to answer in order to get full credit.
  • Use the RACE format to answer:
    • Restate the question
    • Answer the question
    • Cite evidence
    • Explain evidence
Today is officially the end of the grading period for progress reports. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Objective Summaries

Goal: Learn to write an objective summary and write one for "Graffiti"

Arranging Events
Writing a Summary

1. Journal 
If you could write a theme for your life, what would it be?

2. Finish Last Lesson on Theme
We are going to finish our table competitions before we get started on our summaries today.

3. Theme Brainstorm 
  • I have a theme brainstorm chart I will be giving each of you. 
  • Your job is to fill out the brainstorm for our story, "Graffiti" by Julio Cortázar. 
  • You may work with your table on this:

4. Arranging Events
I am passing out 5 notecards to each of you.
On each one, think about "Graffiti" and write the:
  • Background 
  • Rising Action
  • Climax
  • Falling Action
  • Resolution 
5. Writing a Summary 
  • Ultimately, you will be writing an OBJECTIVE summary using the template on the back of your THEME worksheet. 
  • You can start to complete that when you compile your index cards.
Finish Navigating the Waters Questions in Google Classroom.
Grading period ends tomorrow for progress reports.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Theme Brainstorms

Goal: Understand how themes apply to literary works and discover the theme of "Graffiti"

Last Lesson on Theme
Theme Brainstorm

1. Journal 
Is graffiti art, vandalism, or protest? Explain your answer.

2. Last Lesson on Theme 
  • I am going to lead you through your last lesson on THEME. 
  • You've heard of theme before, but what exactly is it? 
  • Get ready to work with your tables in a competition. 
3. Theme Brainstorm 
  • I have a theme brainstorm chart I will be giving each of you. 
  • Your job is to fill out the brainstorm for our story, "Graffiti" by Julio Cortázar. 
  • You may work with your table on this:

4. Finish Google Classroom Questions
  • Yesterday you started the "Navigating the Waters" questions in Google Classroom. 
  • These are due by the end of the period today.
Keep looking for graffiti and street art in your own life. Get a picture to bring in and share.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Questions about Graffiti

Goal: Answer questions about Cortazar's text, "Graffiti"

Answer Questions

1. Journal
Should the government be able to outlaw any kind of protest? Explain your answer in writing.

2. Reading
We will finish reading as a class. This text switches points of view a couple of times, so we need to make notes when that happens.
3. Questions 
  • There are questions linked in Google Classroom called, "Navigating the Waters: Graffiti" 
  • Your job is to finish these today. 
  • We will work on the first one together. 
  • You might need this LIST OF TONE WORDS for #2.
4. Upcoming Essay
You will have a short essay on a question I will pose to you tomorrow about this piece. Start thinking about graffiti you have seen in your own life. Is it art? Is it protest? Is it vandalism? 

Find some kind of street art and bring in a photo.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Survey the Text: Graffiti

Goal: Get some background on Argentina in the 1970s and survey our next text

Survey the Text

1. Journal
How was your week-long break? Share a few details.

2. Background: Argentina in the 1970s 
I will share with you some slides about the people below before you research and survey the text.
  • Juan Domingo Perón: President, 1946-1955, 1973-1974 
  • Isabel Martínez de Perón, President 1974-1976 
  • Jorge Rafael Videla, Dictator, 1976-1981
    • Dirty War: a seven-year campaign by the Argentine government against people who opposed the government
    • Mothers of May: mothers looking for their disappeared children
Image result for argentina dirty war timeline
Our Departed/Our Disappeared

3. Survey the Text 

  • With your new table partner, you will survey the text as you have done before. 
  • You should have writing DIRECTLY ON YOUR TEXT. 
  • You should also be making notes on your survey the text chart. 
4. Reading 
  • We will begin reading as a class. This text switches points of view a couple of times, so we need to make notes when that happens. 
  • Read as it was originally written: Graffiti by Julio Cortazar
Welcome back! Let's have a strong, productive week.