Monday, February 24, 2020

Starting a New Text

Goal: Begin reading "How to Succeed," the final text of our education unit

Survey the Text
Read the Text
Respond to Questions

A quick note: 
Your stories were amazing and so many of you wrote heartfelt pieces that deeply moved me. I am still working on responding to all of them and since they are lengthier pieces, my goal is to have them to you by the end of this week. 

1. Journal 
What is one personal trait you have that helps you to be successful?

2. Survey the Text 
Before reading, let's ask ourselves:

  • What is the background of the author who wrote this piece? 
  • What predictions can I make based on the title of the piece? 
  • Looking through the text, what proper nouns do I see?
    • Does it seem like this piece includes lots of people, places, and things I know? 
    • How can I sort the proper nouns to get more meaning? 

3. Read the Text 

  • I'm giving you each a copy of "How to Succeed" by Paul Tough. 
  • This is the last major text in our Education Unit and we will be moving on next week to start a totally new topic. 
  • As we go, highlight different pieces of evidence Tough uses to support his main idea. 

4. Respond to Questions 

  • There are questions posted in Google Classroom called "Navigating the Waters: How to Succeed." 
  • Please try to finish these today by the end of the period. 
  • 1st period, work with each other and Mr. G to finish the questions. I know you can do it! 

Don't forget to buy your prom tickets. Prom is this Friday evening!