Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Socratic Discussion

Conversation Moves (chart posted in class, too)
Goal: Host a Socratic Discussion about Santiago Baca's life as explained in text and documentary forms

Socratic Preparation
Socratic Expectations

1. Journal 
Why do you think the guards in the video reduced Baca to a number rather than use his name?

2. Socratic Preparation 
  • Yesterday you began working on a document in Google Classroom called "Socratic Preparation Document: Jimmy Santiago Baca" 
  • I am giving a few minutes at the beginning of class to add a few more thoughts in that document. 
  • This will help get your brain moving before today's discussion. 
3. Socratic Expectations 
  • Listen respectfully and respond appropriately to others. 
  • Build on what someone else says. 
  • Ask purposeful questions.  
  • Explain your ideas clearly with examples. 
  • Stay on topic. Be kind.
4. Discussion 
We will use the slides below to lead us through our discussion:

Enjoy your afternoon! Don't forget to buy prom tickets with Theresa in the front office or at the ASB store.