Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Socratic Preparation: Jimmy Santiago Baca

Goal: Finish discussion on "A Place to Stand" and prepare for a Socratic Seminar we will have

Film Recap
Socratic Preparation
Independent Research

1. Journal 
In yesterday's clip, Baca says, "I was now becoming a desensitized human being for survival's sake." What do you think this means?

2. Film Recap + Response
  • Yesterday we watched part of the documentary, A Place to Stand, on Baca's life that gives us context and background on where he was coming from and what contributed to his life as a writer. 
  • When we view media pieces that tell stories similar to ones we've read, it's important to question which one conveyed the main points better and why. 
  • In Google Classroom, please respond to the discussion question posted with your response formatted as follows:
    • I believe the __________ (film or written text) was more effective in telling Baca's story because _________. The most impactful moment of the written text was when Baca explained _____________. The most impactful moment of the film was when _____________. The most powerful visual in the film was ______________. 
3. Socratic Preparation 
  • There is a document in Google Classroom called "Socratic Seminar Prep: Jimmy Santiago Baca." 
  • Your job today is to complete this in preparation for tomorrow's discussion. 
  • I will print each of your documents and have them ready for you tomorrow. 
  • You will be responsible for citing evidence from your sheet during the discussion. 

Read your independent book. Expand your mind! Check out the classroom library.

Today is the last day to buy Valentine Grams from ASB. Also, please buy prom tickets!