Thursday, February 27, 2020

Breaking Down Claims and Evidence

Goal: Break down the types of evidence Tough incorporates in his text, "How to Succeed"

Finish Precis/Precis Check
Model: Claim and Evidence Organizer
Individual Meetings

*Take THIS SURVEY for a group that is coming to talk to our campus next week. You can be honest; your answers are confidential and only to help the group coming to speak with us. 

1. Journal 
If an author interviewed you for their book like Tough interviewed Kewauna, what do you think would be their main message about your life?

2. Finish Precis/Precis Check 
  • Yesterday at the end of class we wrote a 4 sentence precis about Tough's piece, "How to Succeed." 
  • If you did not finish, now is your chance. 
  • If you did finish, please be ready to show it to me as I circle around the room. 
3. Modeling Claim and Evidence Organizer 
I'll show you how to navigate this organizer, but I will only do one example of a claim and one example of evidence with you. The other two will be yours to complete!

4. Working Independently 
  • Your job is to finish the other two claims and evidence boxes AS WELL AS to make an attempt at figuring out the main idea of this piece. 
  • Tough tells many stories in this text so this is actually the toughest part (lol)
5. SOAPSTone Form
  • Complete this SOAPSTone Form for Tough's text, "How to Succeed" 
  • You can work with people around you, but you are each responsible to fill in your own forms. 
Tomorrow is the last day of the grading period. If you are trying to turn anything in for a regrade, please give it to me no later than lunch tomorrow. Grades will be updated before we head into the weekend.