Thursday, October 31, 2019

Introducing Types of Evidence

Goal: Become familiar with three major types of evidence and discover how Adichie uses them

Claims and Evidence
Google Classroom

1. Journal 
Write about a time someone has made an unfair assumption about you.

2. Paraphrasing 
  • Yesterday we paraphrased up to section 11 of the text. Today, we are going to finish paraphrasing. 
  • We will use the same pattern today of listening to a text section and then questioning how we can put that in our own words. 
3. Google Classroom 
  • There is a NEW assignment linked in Google Classroom called "Exploring the Depths: The Danger of a Single Story" (period 3) 
  • Let's work on this using the RACE format 
    • Restate the question
    • Answer the question
    • Cite Evidence
    • Explain Evidence 
3. Types of Evidence 
  • Today we are going to highlight the different types of evidence Adichie uses in her talk. 
  • Use the codes and/or the colors below to mark in your text (highlighter, colored pencil, marker)
  • I will do a few with you. 
    • Personal Anecdote = PA
    • Hypothetical = H
    • Commonly Held Belief = CHB  
Check Yourself: 
Here are some things you want to make sure are finished before tomorrow: 
  • Tomorrow is Dia de los Muertos
  • We will have sugar skulls at lunch 
  • Wear school colors

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Working on Paraphrasing

Goal: Investigate Adichie's main claims in "The Danger of a Single Story" and respond to questions in Google Classroom

Essential Question: What does it mean to tell a single story of a person, place, or thing?

Google Classroom
SOAPSTone Form

1. Journal 
“The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue but they are incomplete.” What do you think of this quote and why?

2. Google Classroom 
  • There is an assignment linked in Google Classroom called "Navigating the Waters: The Danger of a Single Story" 
  • You will need the join code for Google Classroom:
    • 1st period: n4yji9
    • 3rd period: 4y7ukw
  • We started this yesterday, but we're going to finish it today. 
3. Paraphrasing 
  • Yesterday we paraphrased sections 1-5. We are doing the rest today! 
  • We are going to paraphrase EACH SECTION of the text. 
  • I will help you with the first few today, then you're going to work with your partner to finish the work. 
4. SOAPSTone Form
  • I am going to have you work with a partner to break down this text. 
  • We are going to use a format called "SOAPSTone" 
  • Click on THIS FORM to access the SOAPSTONE. 
  • Wednesday: Pajama Day 
  • Thursday: Halloween Costumes
  • Friday: School colors (maroon and silver)

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Our First New Text

Goal: Listen to a text and read along, searching for the main claims the author makes
Setting Expectations
Read Along
Google Classroom

1. Journal 
Write down three things you think I should know about you and why you think I should know them.

2. Setting Expectations 
  • We didn't get to finish setting our expectations yesterday (period 1).  We will finish this before moving on today.

3. Read Along
  • Usually we start a new text by reading about the author and looking at the context. 
  • This time, I'm going to have you listen before researching anything about the author.
  • I will pass out a copy of the text to each of you, and I'm going to ask you to follow along.
  • CIRCLE any words you do not know.
  • STAR ideas that seem important. 
4. Google Classroom 

  • There is an assignment linked in Google Classroom called "Navigating the Waters: The Danger of a Single Story:
  • You will need the join code for Google Classroom (on the chart in the classroom)
    • 1st period: n4yji9
    • 3rd period: 4y7ukw

5. Paraphrasing 
Your text has a column for paraphrasing.
We are going to paraphrase EACH SECTION of the text. 
I will help you with the first few.

  • Wednesday: Pajama Day 
  • Thursday: Halloween Costumes
  • Friday: School colors (maroon and silver)

Monday, October 28, 2019

Welcome to English!

Goal: Get to know each other and set our learning intentions for the quarter

English Journals
About You
Syllabus Review

1. Nametags
Grab a piece of paper and markers. We are going to create name tags so we can get to know each other.

2. English Journals
  • We're going to set up our English Journals.
  • You will use these journals each day in class for your Daily Journals. 
  • If you already had me last quarter, you will use the same journal and I will give you a sticky note to mark Q2. 
  • If you did not have me last quarter, I will give you a brand new journal and you will set it up as follows: 

3. About You Forms  
  • Please fill out this About Me Form to help me get to know you before we start the year. 
  • I want to know what technology you're already familiar with, especially since we use technology a lot in this classroom. 
  • This also helps me with where you need to sit, especially if you have glasses or have a hard time seeing from far away. 
4. Syllabus Review 
  • I have uploaded a copy of the syllabus HERE. 
  • You can preview it or make a copy and save it to your drive. 
  • It is also linked in the "Syllabus" tab of the blog above. 
  • I am going to ask you questions and you will write down the answers on your whiteboard tables (get used to doing this - it will happen often!) 
5. Expectations 
Let's set our expectations for the year together.

  • Wednesday: Pajama Day 
  • Thursday: Halloween Costumes
  • Friday: School colors (maroon and silver)

Friday, October 25, 2019

English Final

Goal: Complete English final exam


1. Journal 
How do you feel you did in this class? What would you change if you could do it again?

2. Final 
  • Remember, during the final there is NO talking to one another. 
  • You may use your own notes or look back at stories if it helps you. 
  • You may NOT use anyone else's notes or stories to help you.
  • Ms. Natheos will give you the entry code. 

*You can recycle your stories and papers when you finish. Leave your binders in class though, even if you will not have me next quarter.* 

  • Have a fantastic weekend and I hope to see you in a future class! 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Presentations and Test Review

3rd Period: Where are your federal survey forms?

Goal: Present group slideshows and review for tomorrow's test

Group Presentations
Test Review

1. Journal 
What is one thing you want to improve about yourself next quarter? Why?

2. Group Presentations 
  • You are in groups that you will use to make presentations based on part of Greenwald's graphic. 
  • Each table is assigned one of the following parts of Greenwald's Text:
    1. Trigger
    2. Action
    3. Reward
    4. Investment 
  • Yesterday, one person in your group should have DOWNLOADED THIS TEMPLATE and shared it with you.
  • Make sure it is also shared with me (
  • You will work together and present these to the class TODAY. 
3. Test Review
  • I will not be here tomorrow so today is our last day together of the quarter. 
  • You will be taking a final exam tomorrow (I have made sure you can fit it in 60 minutes). 
  • I have a practice test HERE, so click to join the Quizizz and we will review questions together. 
  • These are some of the same exact questions you will see tomorrow. 
  • Check Powerschool to see what grades you can improve. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to request a regrade on the blog.
  • Buy Boo Grams at lunch! 50 cents per Gram and you can send it to anyone the week of Halloween! 
  • LGBTQ+ Students apply for the SD Pride Youth Leadership Academy HERE! Ask me if you have questions. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Under the Influence

3rd Period: Where are your federal survey forms?

Goal: Put together presentations based on one of the 4 quadrants and answer Google Classroom Questions

Navigating the Waters Questions
Group Presentations

1. Journal 
How are your grades now that we are at the end of the quarter? Explain.

2. Navigating the Waters Questions
  • There are questions linked in Google Classroom called "Under the Influence: Navigating the Waters" 
  • One of these questions requires a RACE Response. 

3. 3rd Period VOTE HERE
Yesterday you did an amazing job on the observation. Click here to vote for tomorrow's treats. 

4. Group Presentations 
  • You are in groups that you will use to make presentations based on part of Greenwald's graphic. 
  • Each table is assigned one of the following parts of Greenwald's Text:
    1. Trigger
    2. Action
    3. Reward
    4. Investment 
  • One person in your group should DOWNLOAD THIS TEMPLATE and share it with the rest of the group. 
  • Also share the presentation with me (
  • You will work together and present these to the class tomorrow.
  • Check Powerschool to see what grades you can improve. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to request a regrade on the blog.
  • Buy Boo Grams at lunch! 50 cents per Gram and you can send it to anyone the week of Halloween! 
  • LGBTQ+ Students apply for the SD Pride Youth Leadership Academy HERE! Ask me if you have questions. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Surveying our Final Text

3rd Period: Where are your federal survey forms?

Goal: Survey a new text, paying special attention to images embedded in the text

Image Preview
Survey the Text
Read the Text
Google Classroom Question

1. Journal 
Do you think social networking is a habit for young people? Why or why not?

2. Image Preview 
There are images taped to your whiteboard tables.
Each table is responsible for answering the following based on the image:
  • Describe what you see.
  • When do you think this graphic was created? 
  • Who do you think created this graphic? 
  • What message do you think the artist is trying to send? 
3. Survey the Text
We will use our "Survey the Text" slides to preview our next text, "Under the Influence," by Ted Greenwald.

4. Read the Text
  • You will read the text with your partner using PALS (Peer Assisted Learning Strategy) 
  • I will set the timer for 2 minutes and Partner A will read. 
  • Then I will set the timer for 1 minute and Partner B will retell. 
  • Then you will trade roles, until you finish the whole story.
5. Google Classroom Question
  • In preparation for tomorrow, you will answer a few questions posted to Google Classroom.
  • The questions can be found in the document "Under the Influence: Navigating the Waters" on the blue sheet (screenshot below)
*Before We Leave* 
On a sticky note, please write a question or comment you have about one of the four steps:
  1. Trigger
  2. Action
  3. Reward
  4. Investment 
  • Check Powerschool to see what grades you can improve. TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY to request a regrade on the blog.
  • Buy Boo Grams at lunch! 50 cents per Gram and you can send it to anyone the week of Halloween! 
  • LGBTQ+ Students apply for the SD Pride Youth Leadership Academy HERE! Ask me if you have questions. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Socratic Seminar


Goal: Prepare for today's Socratic Seminar

Socratic Seminar Preparation
Socratic Seminar 1
Socratic Seminar 2
Exit Slip

1. Journal 
In your opinion, are social networks public or private? Explain your answer.

2. Prepare for Socratic Seminar 
  • On Friday you should have started an assignment in Google Classroom titled "Digital Privacy: Socratic Seminar Preparation" (screenshot below)
  • Today we are having a Socratic Seminar during the second half of class. 
  • Complete this document so you are PREPARED to contribute (you get a score for the written portion and the verbal portion). 

3. Socratic Seminar 
We will use these slides to work through the Socratic Discussion today in class:

4. Exit Slips: 
There are three points you should be making in your English Journal:
  • One thing you heard 
  • One thing you said
  • One thing you wish you had heard or said
Check Yourself! Have You Finished....?
  • Socratic Preparation Document in Google Classroom 
  • Privacy of Place: Section 1 Questions in Google Classroom
  • Privacy of Place: Section 2 Questions in Google Classroom 
  • RACE Performance Task Assessment (clipped in your 3 ring binder - this is a 2 sided assignment)
  • Do you have extra time? Fill out the "Individual Conferences" document in Google Classroom. You should be filling out Conference #2.
  • Check Powerschool to see what grades you can improve. You can always request a regrade on the blog.
  • Buy Boo Grams at lunch! 50 cents per Gram and you can send it to anyone the week of Halloween! 
  • LGBTQ+ Students apply for the SD Pride Youth Leadership Academy HERE! Ask me if you have questions. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Performance Task Assessment


Goal: Finish ALL "Privacy of Place" questions AND complete the Performance Task Assessment on paper 

Section 2 Questions
Performance Task Assessment
Socratic Seminar Brainstorm

1. Journal 
What is one thing you can do to combat cyberbullying?

3. Section Two Questions 
  • There are questions linked in Google Classroom called "Privacy of Place: Section 2 Questions" 
  • You must finish questions #1-3 today. 
  • We do not need to answer #4 because we are answering that as our Performance Task Assessment.
4. Performance Task Assessment 
  • You will receive the Performance Task Assessment on paper. 
  • You should complete this independently. I should only see your work on your paper.
  • You have used the RACE format before so this should not be a surprise to you. 
  • You may look at your completed work in Google Classroom to help you. 

5. Prepare for Socratic Seminar 
  • There is an assignment in Google Classroom titled "Digital Privacy: Socratic Seminar Preparation" (screenshot below)
  • We will have a Socratic Seminar during class on Monday. 
  • Complete this document so you are PREPARED to contribute (you get a score for the written portion and the verbal portion). 

Check Yourself: 
  • Did you finish your "Privacy of Place: Section 1 Questions" in Google Classroom
  • Check Powerschool to see what grades you can improve. You can always request a regrade on the blog.
  • Do you have extra time? Fill out the "Individual Conferences" document in Google Classroom before we have 1:1 conferences next week. You should be filling out Conference #2.
  • Buy Boo Grams at lunch! 50 cents per Gram and you can send it to anyone the week of Halloween! 
  • LGBTQ+ Students apply for the SD Pride Youth Leadership Academy HERE! Ask me if you have questions. 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Finish Reading "Privacy of Place"


Goal: Continue reading the second section of "Privacy of Place" and answer questions

Read Section 2
Answer Section 2 Questions
Performance Task Assessment
Prepare for Socratic Seminar

    1. Journal 
    You’ve heard the term cyberbullying before. What does that mean to you?

    2. Read Section Two (pg. 699-705)
    • Today we will finish reading pages 699-705 and answer the corresponding questions.
    3. Answer Section Two Questions 
    • There are questions linked in Google Classroom called "Privacy of Place: Section 2 Questions" 
    • We should finish these today. 
    • Our goal is to answer questions #1-3. We do not need to answer #4 because we are answering that as our Performance Task Assessment.
    4. Performance Task Assessment 
    • I am giving you a Performance Task Assessment on PAPER. 
    • You are to complete this independently. 
    • We are not writing this together, but you have used the RACE format before so this should not be a surprise to you. 
    • You may look at your completed work in Google Classroom to help you. 
    5. Prepare for Socratic Seminar 
    • We will spend time today and tomorrow preparing for a Socratic Seminar that we will host on Monday. 
    • A Socratic Seminar is a DISCUSSION, not a DEBATE. 
    • Treating it as a debate will result in a lower score, because that is not the purpose of the assignment. 
    • I will pose questions to the class and they will be up for discussion. 
      • What questions do you want your classmates to answer on Monday? 
    • ASB Today to talk about Prom Planning and Halloweek. 
    • Buy Boo Grams at lunch! 50 cents per Gram and you can send it to anyone the week of Halloween! 
    • LGBTQ+ Students apply for the SD Pride Youth Leadership Academy HERE! Ask me if you have questions. 

    Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    Read and Answer Questions


    Goal: Read the second section of "Privacy of Place" and answer questions

    George Orwell
    Finish Section 1 Questions
    Read Section 2
    Answer Section 2 Questions

    1. Journal 
    What do you think of when you hear the phrase, "Big Brother is watching you?"

    2. Why is George Orwell Important?
    • We talked a little bit about him yesterday, but Orwell's dystopian novels have had a huge impact on what people think of surveillance and the future. 
    • We are going to watch a short clip about the importance of the term "Orwellian" as our author uses it in the text.
    3. Finish Section 1 Questions 

    • Yesterday we started an assignment in Google Classroom called "Privacy of Place: Section 1 Questions" 
    • Today your goal is to finish the questions (be sure to use complete sentences and use the RACE Format where applicable). 
      4. Read Section Two (pg. 699-705)
      • Today we will finish reading pages 699-705. 
      • Please turn to where you drew the line on 699 and that's where we will begin. 
      5. Answer Section 2 Questions 
      • There are questions linked in Google Classroom called "Privacy of Place: Section 2 Questions" 
      • We will start those today, but we will need some more time to finish them tomorrow. 
      • Buy Boo Grams at lunch! 50 cents per Gram and you can send it to anyone the week of Halloween! 
      • LGBTQ+ Students apply for the SD Pride Youth Leadership Academy HERE! Ask me if you have questions. 

      Tuesday, October 15, 2019

      Reading Privacy of Place


      Goal: Create a KWL chart and begin reading "Privacy of Place" 

      KWL Chart 
      Let's Start Reading 
      Answer the First Set of Questions

      1. Journal 
      Do you have any photos on Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat that you do not want your parents, a future employer, or a future significant other to see? Do you think about that when you post?

      2. Finish Surveying the Text
      • I will walk you through the final parts of the "Survey the Text" method so we can become familiar with this text.
      • You should be taking notes directly on your story (and you have a KWL chart in your journal about hacking and digital privacy, so you can keep taking notes on that, too). 
      3. Let's Start Reading 
      • The final major text we are reading this quarter is called "Privacy of Place" by Lori Andrews. 
      • We will split this text over the course of two days, and we will have different questions to answer each day. 
      • Today we will start reading pages 692-699. Please turn to 699 and draw a line above the last paragraph, just before, "But around the world..." 
      4. Answering the First Set of Questions: 
      • There are questions linked in Google Classroom called "Privacy of Place: Section 1 Questions" 
      • Answer these questions using the template as a guide. 
      • We will review this document together as a class.
      • No ASB Today - teachers have a staff meeting after school. 
      • Buy Boo Grams at lunch! 50 cents per Gram and you can send it to anyone the week of Halloween! 
      • LGBTQ+ Students apply for the SD Pride Youth Leadership Academy HERE! Ask me if you have questions. 

      Monday, October 14, 2019

      Previewing Privacy of Place

      Big Question: What type of figurative language is used in today's blog title? 

      Goal: Preview our next text and prepare for the last two weeks

      Video Introduction
      Survey the Text
      Make Predictions

      1. Journal 
      How many devices do you use each day that are connected to the internet? List them all.

      2. Video Introduction
      • Online hacking has existed since 1903 (what?!) 
      • I am going to show you a documentary called "The Power of Privacy" that goes more into detail about whose responsibility it is to manage digital security.
      • In your journal, please create three columns:

      2. Survey the Text
      • We will walk through the "Survey the Text" process step-by-step before we start reading our next piece. 
      • Do not start reading the text until we finish surveying (you'll need this information later!) 
      • Check Powerschool to make sure your grades are up to date. 
      • Request a Regrade on the blog if you have revised any assignments you need me to take a second look at. 
      • LGBTQ+ Students apply for the SD Pride Youth Leadership Academy HERE! Ask me if you have questions. 

      Friday, October 11, 2019

      Poetry Slam

      Goal: Prepare for our class poetry slam and share poems

      Prepare Poems
      Share Poems
      Give Props
      Catch Up Time

      1. Journal 
      What is something that takes a lot of courage to do?

      2. Prepare Poems 
      • Today you have the opportunity to share your work out loud (I'll say more about this in class).
      • Linked in Google Classroom is a shared class slide deck called "Poetry Slam Class Slides" 
      • If you are presenting your poem in front of the class, please claim a slide in this slide deck.
      • Once you have claimed your slide, write the title(s) of the poem(s) you plan to present. 
      • You can perform more than one poem, but please write both titles if you plan to present two to the class. 
      • You might want to rehearse your poem. Take a quick walk outside and say it out loud so you know how your own voice sounds reading it (you'll need to be loud enough for the class to hear).
      3. Share Poems 
      • We are giving our poets our full and undivided attention. 
      • After poets speak, you have a stack of notes that will be compiled for your presenter. 
      • Please write them a kind note. Getting up and being vulnerable is HARD. 
      4. Give Props 
      • Everyone who presented is getting a stack of notes from their classmates. 
      • Please take a moment to read them and understand how awesome you are. 

      Test Option: 
      • There is a poem uploaded to Formative in the event that you really really do not want to share your poem. 
      • Login with your login and select "Envying the Children of San Francisco - Gary Soto" 
      5. Catch Up Time
      • On Monday we are starting a whole different story (still relating to freedom, but not a poem) 
      • That means all of your work for poetry must be finished by today. We will not spend any more class time on it. 
      Check Yourself: 
      • Did you finish your version of "Still I Rise" from last week? 
      • Did you type your version of "Still I Rise" into the document in Google Classroom? 
      • Did you write your version of "Saturday at the Canal" on the handout I gave yesterday? 
      • "Navigating the Waters" questions in Google Classroom 
      • "Exploring the Depths" questions in Google Classroom 

      Thursday, October 10, 2019

      Poetry Terms + Answering Questions

      Goal: Review poetry terms
      and answer text-based questions

      Poetry Terms
      Respond to Questions
      Comparing Poems
      Tomorrow's Choice

      1. Journal 
      What is something you hope for in your future?

      2. Reviewing Poetry Terms 
      • We are going to review some poetry terms for an upcoming test 
      • Click HERE to join
      • Wait until I give you a join code in class
      3. Exploring the Depths Questions 
      • There is an assignment in Google Classroom called "Saturday at the Canal: Exploring the Depths Questions" 
      • Your job is to finish these by the end of the period (using the RACE format for ALL THREE QUESTIONS)
      4. Tomorrow's Choice 
      • We have a choice between two activities for tomorrow's class: 
        • Host a Poetry Slam
        • Take a Written Test
      • Cast Your Vote HERE
      • Be prepared for either option tomorrow
      • Did you finish your version of "Still I Rise" from last week? 
      • Did you type your version of "Still I Rise" into the document in Google Classroom? 
      • Did you write your version of "Saturday at the Canal" on the handout I gave yesterday? 
      • Prepare one of these poems for sharing with the class tomorrow, in the event of a poetry slam.

      Wednesday, October 9, 2019

      Saturday at the Canal

      Fresno Canal
      Goal: Close read "Saturday at the Canal" and answer questions about the poem

      Review yesterday's preview
      Close Read Poem
      Answer questions

      1. Journal
      Do you hope to stay in San Diego forever or is there somewhere else you want to be?

      2. Close Read 
      • Yesterday we previewed "Saturday at the Canal" by Gary Soto
      • Today I am handing out a copy that is YOURS to keep.
      • This copy is yours - put it in your binder.
      3. Navigating the Waters 
      • There are questions posted in Google Classroom called "Saturday at the Canal: Navigating the Waters" under the Text-Based Questions topic
      • Answer these questions in complete sentences. 
      • I will help you with the RACE Format as per usual.
      4. Review
      • Let's review yesterday's DRY ERASE BRAINSTORM. 
      • The work you did had to be erased for my later classes, but I've put them all in albums at the link above.
      Click HERE to see all of your brainstorms.

      5. Journal Response: 
      • Find your whiteboard writing from yesterday. 
      • Copy the following 3 sentences into your journal and fill in the blanks: 
        • One of the pieces of information I found out yesterday was _____________. 
        • I believe this had to do with the poem, "Saturday at the Canal" because _________________. 
        • I can/can't (pick one) relate to the poem by Gary Soto because _______________.
      6. Write Your Own Poem:
      • The remainder of your time today is for you to try writing your own poem. 
      • Turn to a fresh page in your journal and start writing about home for you. 
      • Your goal is to create a poem similarly structured to Soto's poem. 
      Powerschool is up to date. If you have something missing or a low score you'd like to regrade, remember you have options. Talk to me.

      Tuesday, October 8, 2019

      Continuing with Our Poetry

      Fresno Canal
      Goal: Preview and read a new poem

      Finish Group Presentations
      Preview our next poem
      Read our next poem

      1. Journal
      Where are you from? Write about it.

      2. Finish Group Presentations 
      • First period, we did not get to finish group presentations. We are finishing them today.
      • If you did not score your group mates and yourself based on your completed project, score them HERE.

      3. Preview our Next Poem 
      • I am going to put your next poem on the screen. Before we find out who wrote it or when, we are just going to READ (opposite from what we usually do!)

      4. Read our next poem 
      • I am handing out a copy of our next poem. 
      • This copy is yours - put it in your binder.
      5. Navigating the Waters 
      • There are questions posted in Google Classroom called "Saturday at the Canal: Navigating the Waters" under the Text-Based Questions topic
      • Answer these questions in complete sentences.
      • These are due by the end of the period.
      ASB after school today. Help make posters for Halloweek!
      Be sure you have scored your group mates from the figurative language presentations.

      Monday, October 7, 2019

      Present Group Projects & Write Poetry

      Goal: Present group projects and finish our poems

      Group Projects
      Writing poetry

      1. Journal 
      Do you enjoy writing about yourself or do you dislike it? Explain why.

      2. Group Projects
      • You've been working with groups to create a presentation based on Maya Angelou's poem, "Still I Rise" 
      • Your presentation should include the following information:
        • Your stanza numbers
        • Your names
        • 4 different examples of imagery/figurative language 
        • The main idea of the poem 
        • Discussion questions for the class
      • Please make sure you've shared your project with me (
      3. Presentations

      Here is the rubric on which your group presentations will be scored: 

      4. Create Your Own Poetry
      Last week I gave you a double-sided sheet to help you plan our own poem:
      • Side 1 is a brainstorm for you to consider your ideas for your poem. 
      • Side 2 is an outline of Angelou's poem that you can fill in with your own experiences.
        • Extra opportunity: Copy Angelou's rhyme scheme. Only certain lines rhyme with each other! 
      • This should be finished today. 

      Things you definitely should have finished: 
      • Google Classroom Assignment: Navigating the Waters Questions (10/2) 
      • Google Classroom Assignment: Exploring the Depths Questions (10/3) 
      • Check Powerschool if you feel like you're behind - grades are updated (with the exception of today's group presentation scores. I'll get those in tonight!)

      Friday, October 4, 2019

      Group Projects and Poetry

      Goal: Present group projects and try our hand at poetry

      Group Projects
      Writing poetry

      1. Journal 
      Do you have any plans for the weekend? Tell me about them.

      2. Group Projects
      • Yesterday you started working on analyzing your stanzas for figurative language as a group.
      • Your mission is to create a presentation with the following information:
        • Your stanza numbers
        • Your names
        • 4 different examples of imagery/figurative language 
        • The main idea of the poem 
        • Discussion questions for the class
      • There is a SLIDE TEMPLATE HERE that you can use to complete the project. 
      = Presentations will happen on Monday during class. =

      3. When You Finish the Project: 
      I will give you a double-sided sheet that will help you with our next assignment: 
      • Side 1 is a brainstorm for you to consider your ideas for your poem. 
      • Side 2 is an outline of Angelou's poem that you can fill in with your own experiences.
        • Extra opportunity: Copy Angelou's rhyme scheme. Only certain lines rhyme with each other! 
      Things you should have finished by the end of TODAY:

      Thursday, October 3, 2019

      Group Projects: Figurative Language

      Goal: Answer "Exploring the "Depths" questions and prepare group presentations on the figurative
      language use in "Still I Rise"

      Formative Reading "Still I Rise"
      Figurative Language Review
      Group Projects

      1. Journal 
      What is something that makes you feel happy? Write about it.

      2. Google Classroom Questions 
      • We need to answer the "Exploring the Depths" questions in Google Classroom today (a different set of questions than yesterday).
      2. Figurative Language Review (as a CLASS)
      Yesterday we began to review figurative language as a class. Here are the examples you came up with:
      1st period's definitions
      3rd period's definitions
      3. Figurative Language Analysis (as a GROUP)
      • Each group will be assigned a stanza of Angelou's poem to analyze.
      • Your mission is to create a presentation with the following information:
        • Your stanza numbers
        • Your names
        • 4 different examples of imagery/figurative language 
        • The main idea of the poem 
        • Discussion questions for the class
      • There is a SLIDE TEMPLATE HERE that you can use to complete the project. 
      • One person from your table must click on that link and click "use template" in the top right corner.
      • Share the slides with me ( and all of your table group members. 
      • Be ready to present this project to the class. 
      Have a great afternoon! Remember, ASB meets after school today.

      Wednesday, October 2, 2019

      Figurative Language

      Goal: Analyze "Still I Rise" for imagery and figurative language

      Google Classroom Questions
      Figurative Language Review
      Group Work

      1. Journal 
      What is your favorite quality about yourself? Give yourself the props you deserve.

      2. Google Classroom Questions 
      We need to answer the "Navigating the Waters" questions posted in Google Classroom. This is our first priority today.

      2. Figurative Language Review (as a CLASS)
      • We need to discuss some important terms and define them before moving on today. 
      • We will make a guide together on the board that I will post here later.

      3. Figurative Language Analysis (as a GROUP)
      • Each group will be assigned a stanza of Angelou's poem to analyze.
      • Your mission is to create a presentation with the following information: 
      • There is a SLIDE TEMPLATE HERE that you can use to complete the project. 
      • One person from your table must click on that link and click "use template" in the top right corner.
      • Share the slides with me ( and all of your table group members. 
      • Be ready to present this project to the class. 
      Enjoy your afternoon! Happy early day :)

      Tuesday, October 1, 2019

      Starting Something New

      Goal: Start our next reading: a poem!

      Read Winning Entries
      Survey the Next Text
      Read our Next Text
      Hear from the Poet
      Answer some questions

      >>Vote HERE for the best ending you heard out loud in class today.

      1. Journal 
      Write about a time you went through something tough that actually made you stronger.

      2. Winning Entries
      • We're going to start class by hearing from some folks who were nominated by their tables for having winning writing yesterday. 
      • I've decided to up our game on this; anyone who wants to share work is eligible for extra credit.
      3. Previewing Our Next Poem
      Find out everything you can about Maya Angelou and make notes in your journal. 

      4. "Still I Rise"
      • Read the poem, highlighting phrases that stick out to you. 
      • We are going to watch Maya Angelou perform the poem. 
      • How does it sound different when it's read by her, versus when you read it in your head?
      5. Navigating the Waters 
      • There are questions uploaded to Google Classroom called "Still I Rise: Navigating the Waters Questions" 
      • Complete these before the end of the period. 
      • If you want a digital copy of the poem, click HERE
      Things you should have finished: 
      • SOAPSTone Form investigating Chopin's purpose behind the story 
      • Formative reading of "The Story of an Hour" with comprehension questions embedded 
      If you're done with everything else: 
      Check out a book from the class library! 

      Open House is TONIGHT at 5PM. 
      Please tell your families to come by so I can meet the people who are important to you!