Thursday, February 6, 2020

Figurative Language in Baca's Text

Goal: Search for figurative language in "Coming into Language" by Santiago Baca

Chalk Talk
Figurative Language
Performance Task
Catch Up

1. Journal 
Do you think we all live in agony, like Baca suggested in his video interview? Explain your thoughts.

2. Chalk Talk 
  • I have placed five different quotes and pictures around the room.
  • We are going to have a "museum vibe" while we go around the room and make notes on the different quotes. 
  • Some of what you see are similes, some are metaphors, some are references to Baca's interview. 

3. Figurative Language in the Text 
  • Based on the figurative language around the room and the highlighted passages in the text, you are going to select five different lines that illustrate Baca's thoughts and experiences. 
  • You will fill out a sheet to keep in your binder that looks like this: 

4. Performance Task
  • There is a document in Google Classroom called "Performance Task: Coming into Language" 
  • There are sentence frames in this document that help you formulate your ideas. 
5. Survey
  • Our counselors and an outside organization are looking to gather some information from you. 
  • It would be helpful for you to complete THIS SURVEY so we can help them plan their programs. 
  • Please be honest with your answers; it can only help them to plan. 
6. Catch Up on This Week's Work
  • Be sure your "NTW" questions in Google Classroom are finished 
  • You were also supposed to complete this EdPuzzle video with questions about Baca's background. If you didn't finish this yesterday, please do so. 
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