Monday, December 2, 2019

Survey the Text: Graffiti

Goal: Get some background on Argentina in the 1970s and survey our next text

Survey the Text

1. Journal
How was your week-long break? Share a few details.

2. Background: Argentina in the 1970s 
I will share with you some slides about the people below before you research and survey the text.
  • Juan Domingo Perón: President, 1946-1955, 1973-1974 
  • Isabel Martínez de Perón, President 1974-1976 
  • Jorge Rafael Videla, Dictator, 1976-1981
    • Dirty War: a seven-year campaign by the Argentine government against people who opposed the government
    • Mothers of May: mothers looking for their disappeared children
Image result for argentina dirty war timeline
Our Departed/Our Disappeared

3. Survey the Text 

  • With your new table partner, you will survey the text as you have done before. 
  • You should have writing DIRECTLY ON YOUR TEXT. 
  • You should also be making notes on your survey the text chart. 
4. Reading 
  • We will begin reading as a class. This text switches points of view a couple of times, so we need to make notes when that happens. 
  • Read as it was originally written: Graffiti by Julio Cortazar
Welcome back! Let's have a strong, productive week.