Friday, November 22, 2019

Socratic Seminar

Goal: Host a Socratic Seminar on "The Psychology of Evil" and other related materials

Wrap Up Projects
Socratic Seminar
Socratic Self-Reflection

1. Journal
What plans do you have over Thanksgiving break?

2. Wrap Up Projects
3. Socratic Prep 
  • There is a Socratic Preparation document I am handing out to you on paper (pictured above)
  • We are going to have a Socratic Seminar where we discuss the topics we've visited so far this quarter. 
  • This is a comprehensive document - there is lots to review and this will have you prepared to cite evidence. 
  • If you need the TED Talk link for the transcript, you can find it HERE. 

4. Socratic Self-Reflection 
You are going to reflect on the bottom portion of the back of your document after the seminar.

Take home a book over Thanksgiving Break. It's always nice to have something to do besides scroll through social media (plus reading reduces stress by 68% on average).