Thursday, November 21, 2019

Performance Task and Socratic Prep

Goal: Complete timelines and prepare for Socratic Seminar

Finish Timelines
Socratic Prep

1. Journal 
Do you think power naturally leads to evil? Why or why not?

2. Finish Timelines
  • Yesterday you began working on a timeline of Zimbardo's text with your partner. 
  • Today your goal is to FINISH.
  • Here is the rubric I will use to score your projects:

3. Socratic Prep 
  • There is a Socratic Preparation document you can find in Google Classroom under Performance Task Assessments (pictured above)
  • You will need to complete this before tomorrow and have it ready (I will print it for you as long as you are done before class tomorrow). 
  • I also have printed versions if you like to handwrite instead.
  • We are going to have a Socratic Seminar where we discuss the topics we've visited so far this quarter. 
  • This is a comprehensive document - there is lots to review. 
Tomorrow: Wear school colors or sports jerseys (extended lunch! Nachos for $2!)