Name Cards
Goal Setting
Tech Set Up
1. Name Cards
- I will give everyone an index card.
- Your job is to write your name LARGELY across one side and decorate that side with symbols that represent you.
- Leave the back side blank.
- You will need the blank side throughout the quarter.
2. Goal Setting
- On the back side of your notecard, write one personal goal and one academic goal you have for yourself this quarter.
- One personal goal I have is…
- One academic goal I have is…
- Do not take up the whole space. We will still need some blank space through the quarter.
- I will be asking you to introduce yourself and share a goal with the class.
- Your binder will be yours for the next 10 weeks.
- Your binders will be where you store your readings and writing assignments.
- Today you will choose a color for the front of your binder and write your name largely on the front.
- We will set our expectations for the next 10 weeks together in tables.
- After setting expectations in our table groups, we will share with the class to show what we have in common.
5. Tech Set Up
- Technology will play a big part in this class.
- This blog is going to be important throughout the quarter so I want to get you all set up today.
- Bookmark this address:
- Bookmark Google Classroom:
- Join Google Classroom with the join codes I have posted in class
- Find the English Journal I have already placed in Google Classroom and complete your first brief writing assignment.
6. About You Form
- I have an "About You" form I'd like you to fill out so I can get to know you more.
- Click here to complete the form.
7. Exit Slips
- I'm going to pass out a post it note to each person.
- I'm asking you to write one question you have about this class and place it on the check in board next to the laptop cart.
- Green means you feel good about English class
- Yellow means you're feeling somewhat positive, somewhat uneasy about English class
- Red means you have lots of questions about English class