Monday, March 2, 2020

Wrapping Up Education

Goal: Finish slides, Screencast, SOAPSTone, and venture into new “text”

Finish Slides
SOAPSTone Form
Analyzing a New "Text"

1. Journal 
We are now in March and the quarter ends this month. What is one goal you have for yourself by then?

2. Finish Slides
  • There is a slide deck template for you in Google Classroom called "Performance Task: How to Succeed"
  • Your job is to complete the slide deck AND change the theme so it's personalized. 
  • The rubric is posted to the right but there is an extra credit opportunity included for screencasting your slides.
3. Screencasting
  • You can get extra credit for screencasting your slide presentation and sharing them with me. 
  • If you get to a point where you are done with your slides early and want to aim for the extra credit, I highly encourage it. 
  • Here are the steps you should follow: 
  1. Go to Chrome extension store 
  2. Download Screencastify as an extension 
  3. Open up your slide presentation
  4. Click on the Screencastify icon in the top right of your screen 
  5. Allow access to the microphone and camera 
  6. Record your slides 
  7. Upload your video straight to Google Classroom 
4. SOAPSTone Form
  • Complete this SOAPSTone Form for Tough's text, "How to Succeed" 
  • You can work with people around you, but you are each responsible to fill in your own forms. 
5. Analyzing a New "Text" 

  • Not all texts are made up of words like we've been reading. 
  • There is an assignment in Google Classroom called "Navigating the Waters: Median Earnings by Education" that asks you to analyze a chart that shows how much money we make on average based on different education levels.  
  • This is the chart on which the questions are based: 

Have a fantastic week!