Monday, January 13, 2020

Reading Our Next Text

Goal: Read the entirety of our next text, "A Rose for Emily" and prepare to break it down tomorrow

Text Preview Review 
Close Read the Text Together

1. Journal 
What do you see in this picture and what do you think it means?

2. Text Preview Review 
On Friday I gave you a task to look up Mississippi during the 1930s. Today we will investigate the time during which this text is taking place. Here's a reminder:
The next text has lots of old-school words. They particularly use words we think of today as offensive, so we need to understand context. 

3. Read the Text 
I am giving you each a copy of the text. We will read it together and stop to discuss periodically! What I'll be looking for: 
  • What is the timeline of events in this story? 
  • What words and phrases show us the timing of things?
  • Why is the author choosing to tell the events in this order?
4. Preview of Tomorrow
Tomorrow we will have a second read of this text. There is a LOT to discover here! 

I will be out tomorrow (but still on campus). My good teacher friend will be here to teach you in my place, and he is looking forward to meeting you. Please give him a warm, kind welcome to Twain.