Thursday, January 30, 2020

Compare and Contrast

Goal: Finish Navigating the Waters questions and compare Burke's text to a TED Talk

Book Check Out
Survey the Text
Read the Text
Navigating the Waters Questions

1. Journal
What has been your biggest success in life so far? Tell me about it.

2. Finish Navigating the Waters Questions 
  • Yesterday we started answering the four questions in Google Classroom called "Navigating the Waters: A Personal Prologue"
  • Our goal is to finish them today.
  • You may work with others, but the work you submit must be your own. 
3. Compare and Contrast 
  • I'm giving you each a Venn Diagram (pictured above) to compare Burke's text, "A Personal Prologue" with Saenz' TED Talk, "The Power of a Teacher." 
  • Look out especially for: 
    • How they were as students
    • What were some of the characteristics of teachers who changed their lives?
    • Where are they now? 
    • Why do they do what they do? 

4. Writing our First Précis
I am going to walk you through the steps of a rhetorical precis and we're going to write one together. You will have an in class "test" on this when we read our next text.

5. Exit Slips 
  • I'm going to pass out a post it note to each person. 
  • I'm asking you to write one question you have about the text we read and place it on the stop sign bulletin board:
    • Green means you really understand the text
    • Yellow means you mostly understand the text but still have some questions
    • Red means you have lots of questions about the text
If you took a book home, please check it out using the button to the right on the blog. Thank you!