Monday, November 4, 2019

Finishing our Performance Task

Goal: Finish our performance task for "The Danger of a Single Story"

1. Journal
2. Performance Task
3. Peer Feedback
4. Check Yourself
5. Tomorrow's Reading

1. Journal 
How was your weekend? Write about it.

2. Performance Task
  • Last week we underlined the different types of evidence Adichie uses in our copies of the text
    • Personal Anecdote = PA
    • Hypothetical = H
    • Commonly Held Belief = CHB  
  • Pull out the blank version of the graphic organizer (main idea, claims, evidence) 
  • I will help get you started with the second section of evidence, but your job is to find the claims that come from those pieces of evidence.

3. Peer Feedback
  • We are going to give our peers feedback on their performance task using sticky notes.
  • Write down:
    • 1 thing they did well
    • 1 thing they can do to improve

4. Check Yourself: 
Here are some things you want to make sure are finished from this text (we're moving on to another text tomorrow): 
  • The green main idea/evidence document (on paper in your binder) 
  • The paraphrasing section of your text copy (the right column) 
  • The SOAPSTone form we completed last Wednesday
  • The Google Classroom assignment, "Navigating the Waters: The Danger of a Single Story" 
  • The Google Classroom assignment, "Exploring the Depths: The Danger of a Single Story" (p. 3)
5. Preview Tomorrow's Reading 
Tomorrow we're reading a complex piece that took place in the early 1900s (but was written about later). I want you to Google the following words, phrases, and questions and find out what they have in COMMON: 
  • Marie Curie 
  • What did women do during World War 1? 
  • Grace Fryer
  • Undark
Let's make a KWL chart for this time period (in your journal): 
  • Check out the classroom library. We have lots of great books and if you need a recommendation I can help you out! 
  • A few grades are already in Powerschool. Make sure your work reflects the AMAZING potential you have!