Friday, November 8, 2019

Compare and Contrast: Film and Text

Goal: Compare and contrast the written text "For the Love of Pretty Things" and the Youtube documentary "Glowing in the Dark: Radium Girls"

EdPuzzle Video Review
Venn Diagram
Compare/Contrast Paragraph

1. Journal 
What is the biggest difference between the film and text version of the Radium Girls' story?

2. EdPuzzle Video Review 
  • You were supposed to watch the film clip called "Glowing in the Dark - The Radium Girls" on EdPuzzle (pictured right)
  • Let's review the main ideas about the film together, and you will need to complete a Venn Diagram with the similarities and differences. 
3. Venn Diagram 

4. Compare/Contrast Paragraph 
  • Your performance task for this text is to write a compare and contrast paragraph, evaluating the effectiveness of the mediums on this story. 
  • There is an assignment in Google Classroom for you to work through this project. 
  • There are two documents - you MUST complete step 1 first then step 2
  • Do not move on to step 2 until you have step 1 CHECKED by Ms. Daniel
  • This is due ON TUESDAY 11/12 by the END of the period
  • No school on Monday due to Veteran's Day. I'll see you on Tuesday!