Friday, September 6, 2019

Continuing with our Reading PALS

Goal: Keep Reading "On the Rainy River"

Self-Score Journal
Reading PALS
Create a Timeline

1. Self-Score Journal
Use this SCORING GUIDE to let me know what score you think you deserve on your English journal this week.

2. Reading PALS
We are continuing with our reading PALS today.

3. Make a Timeline: 
  • When you have finished, you are going to make an illustrated timeline of the story you just read. 
  • I'm going to give you a sheet of paper, and you will make a timeline with as many events and illustrations as you can. 
  • (HINT: The story is not really told in complete chronological order) 
Draft notice from Illinois man Tom Bowman
Learning Extension Opportunity: 
Look at the "Navigating the Waters" questions at the end of the story. Begin to think about how you would answer them - we will be discussing those next week.

Have a great weekend!