Thursday, August 29, 2019

Let's Get to Know Each Other

Goal: Get to know each other and review what's been started during the first three days of school

Review First Text
Intro to Rhetorical Precis

1. Nametags
Grab a piece of paper and markers. We are going to create name tags so we can get to know each other.

2. Expectations 
Let's set our expectations for the year together.

3. Notebooks
You already have a binder with your readings.
You are going to get a notebook to do your written responses and daily journals (starting tomorrow).

4. Review First Text
This week you read "Oh, the Choices You'll Make" and watched a video about making choices.
Let's review so we're all on the same page.

5. Intro to Rhetorical Precis
Tomorrow we are going to write a rhetorical precis about this week's reading, "Oh, the Choices You'll Make."

Tomorrow we are going to write our first rhetorical precis! Get ready!