EJ Self-Score
Project Work Time
1. English Journal Self-Score
- Open your English Journal
- Review the English Journal Scoring Guide.
- Determine how you would score your English Journal.
- PASTE this sentence below into the TOP of your English Journal and be sure it is complete.
May 2, 2019 Self Score:I believe I have earned a ______ <<(Your score 1-5) on my English Journal because_______________________ _______________ <<(Your reasons you think you earned that score.)
2. Project Work Time
- FIRST TASK WITH YOUR GROUP: Complete THIS FORM sharing the status of your project with your teachers.
- The rest of this class period is devoted to project work time.
- Yesterday we gave you THIS presentation template. Only one person in each group needs to download it, but please share it with your teachers!
- The end of the grading period is tomorrow. Do you have any questions about grading?
- You should be on Book #10. Remember, we talked about that non-fiction article earlier this week. Think about an article you can use for your book review. We are going to ask you about it next week.